Thursday, 27 October 2011

Work - Ipad App - The Sage (unoffical)

This weeks university project (not live) was set to create an application for The Sage - Gateshead, I wanted to play on the architecture of the building, so created my module grid from that. I got the idea for this when I visited the building and saw the light hitting the windowed roof. The grid starts out curved but I had to straighten it up to allow more data on the page and easier navigation. I was focusing my app for middle aged people to book the concerts they wanted to see at The Sage. I really like the layouts and the idea of being able to rearrange parts of the app for which artist however I wish I had focused on typography abit more.
Layout Pad

I really enjoy working everything out on the layout pad before I get on to the computer, here is some of my favorite pages.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Work - Christopher Dresser

I was tasked to create a book spread for a craft person of my choice, I picked Christopher Dresser a great industrial designer. I am not overal pleased with my spread, there was alot more interesting work going on in my development pad, so next time I am going to go with heart not my head when creating the final piece. Also I am going to make changes to this piece, with shortening the title and putting it in a more classic typeface. The hierarchy in the stand first needs to stand out more with a heavier weight and put less leading into the captions.

some pages (more to be uploaded)

Monday, 17 October 2011

Work - Birthday Cards

Dads Birthday Card.

Danielle Birthday Card.

When I came to create these cards I was feeling really unspired but I feel they came out okay. I like my dads one with the fish pattern in the background, when I got it printed it didnot come out as well as I want to. I like the whale card, which I created from a stamp I was using to make wrapping paper.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Travel - Longhoughton/Newcastle

This weekend I have been in Longhoughton (40mins north of Newcastle) which is by the town of Alnwick, visiting my girlfriends house. Its great as there are lots of RAF bits and bobs but also things like this phone box, looks really rusty due to the sea air.
This was in Newcastle which I thought was funny as arnt all Theatre's live performances? I have never been to a pre recorded stage performance, only a little picky.
We spotted this on a lamp post in Gateshead behind The Sage, I think it is a great idea. Light on demanding! Saving energy but also still providing a public service when needed. I hope to see this in other areas.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Inspiration - Nobrow

Nobrow is a really cool publication of illustration and graphic arts that showcases some great talent out in the world. Their aim is to renew focus on quality in print and to play as much as possible. Check them out

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Inspiration - Baby Marx

I was just on the Walker Art Center website and found this, I think its really great. The project is created by an Mexican artist Pedro Reyes that looks at the potential for mass entertainment to operate as a radical educational tool. Walker Art Centre Website

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

New books - A Visual History of Typefaces and Graphic Styles

Here are two great books on typography, they document type from 1628 till 1938 combined. With a high quality printed pages and an online archive that you can access, these books are bargains! They are not just typography book but there are lots of symbols and beautiful illustrations. Here are some examples of pages inside (not the best pages, as there are so many).

Volume 1

Volume 2

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Inspiration - Chinese Poster Net

Chinese Poster net is a really great resource, it archives state produced posters throughout the last century in China. Great fun just going through the site and viewing the attitudes and thoughts being communicate in the posters. Also I love the strong figures mixed in with the messages of production and technological growth. I really want to involve this kind of style and message into my own independent work.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Layout Project - Collage

For the first couple of days at university this year we were tasked to make eight compostions. These compostions all had a different set of rule but we were allowed to use any words, images/etc we wanted. I really enjoyed doing this, as collages bring the inner child out in everyone (and mine is always there anyway). I feel some of these compostions worked alot better than others, for example "loud and" is my favourite. Makes me think of the early photo collages from the Soviet Union.