Wednesday, 28 April 2010


Just start of a piece looking at what can be done in Afghanistan. I really like the reflection qualities.

Stone Arch

I donot really know why i made this, going to make a similar thing but out of type made out of card or some over material, I might also spray paint type onto this.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Working together for the solution on elderly - lib dems.

I saw this artist called Tedd Kim i think, so i wanted to use their style of drawing but in my own style = ). I quite like it especially the guy on the left = )

NHS Conservative plans

I like this painting on cardboard, might paint a real picture on cardboard later on.

Labours Military Policies

Blank Version

I feel the type needs to be darker and maybe more bold.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Trident An Needed Arm of Diplomacy?

Do we need Trident to be updated for future diplomacy with rogue states, as the world is changing so fast does these cold war tactics still need to exist in our world. The liberal democractics believe not and will spend the money saved on equipping our troops more in Afghanistan.

Monday, 19 April 2010

New title banner

This bottom one was my original idea but i dont really like it that much anymore.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Mp's Expensive Solution (#Political Debate)

The liberal democratic's stated that all MP's need to come clean about their expensive and become honest with the public. The most important thing i heard the party say on the subject was to take big corporate sponsorship out of the political system.

Labour spoke about the right for the public to sack their representative after the huge public out roar about the expensive crimes.

The conservative party suggest a 10% in the commons, a 5% pay-cut on MP's pay and a 1/3 cut in whitehall.

Law & Order continued (#Political Debate)

Policies displayed in the first Tv political debate Labour said they had improved police on the street by 80%. One of there new policies was to make parents more responsible for their children which i found personally interesting.

The Conservatives said about cutting paperwork which would enable more police to be on the street. Aswell they stated that they believed drugs to be at the core of crime, so they want to catch these people, and treat them efficiently to get them back to functioning members of society.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

#Liberal Democrats promise of 3000 extra police (#Political Debate)

I need to do this image again and give the yetis police uniform. Plus i should of used a yellow or blue colour background to represent the party or the police institution.

Friday, 16 April 2010

(#Political Debate)Immigration Illustrations

Liberal Democratic s : Their solution to immigration in the television debate was to restore exit controls on people leaving the country but also to support good migrants which would be filling key jobs.

Labour : Control and manage the immigration more through the points based system and adding id cards for migrants.

Conservative : Would control immigration by creating limits of people coming in to work. But also with new member states of the european union so the country do not get flows of workers coming across.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Handmade Sketch Book

A sketch book for my next project which is covered in Dutch newspapers.

Birthday Cards

A couple of birthday cards i made for family and friends = )

Offline Portfolio

Just the first page of my interactive portfolio, suppose i better get my only one online sorted out too now = (

Monday, 12 April 2010

Liberal Democrats Cube Chair Idea

So i saw all the Liberal Democracts Vote signs along the side of the road coming home today. So i was like you could make them into a cube and use them for chairs. Or uncomfortable footballs or even as lego house.

Abstract #Photography

Monday, 5 April 2010

Urban Gardening

Just something i did in a random plot of land to get my work out more. The little green thing was ment to be a yeti icon

Cookie Yeti

One angry Yeti who doesn't like the pink flowers. This Yeti reminds me of the Cookie monster = D

Over the moon

I am over the moon today as i found out my work got on

i love beds = )

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Yeti Cress (urban gardening stage 1)

Next stage is to leave these around with some type next to them = ). The shape could be more defined but i am going to put some flowers for the eyes out of the garden.

Concert Doodle

Just did a little doodle of a concert i went to see = )